Nadhori is a nice village. Agriculture is the main occupation of people and living style also well. Many shops are there for basic needs. Nadhori is 7KM form Bhuna(small town) that have small a market. Fatehabad is near around 28 Km from this beautiful village. Hansnga, Bhuthan, Jandli, Dholu, TIBI, chandrawal etc some other villages which are near to this village. Not a very good relation with Bhuthan village but very nice relation with other villages. Have a royalty and also some strict to rules. Bishnoi people and some other community also living in this village. 98 % People are the pure veg. Non-vegetarian food is not allowed in this village. Because Bishnoi people is strictly following rules of their religion and they believe in pure vegetarian food according to religion. Like as other villages this village's people also believe in simple living and good health. Buffalo and Cows are the cattle's for milk. Electricity has reached at every home. And no problem for water.
People is also religious, God fearing, social and helpful But also short tempered. People can be get disappointed or angry on little little things. Because people too religious many temples are also there. Lord Shiva's Temple, Guru Jambheshwar Temple, Hanuman Temple, Maa Vaisno Temple and Baba Ramdev Ji Temple is situated in the village. On the day of Holi(Indian Festival) a hawan used to be organized in Guru Jambheswar's temple according the religion of Bishnoi People. After the pray to lord Vishnu and reading the holy word they making pahal (holy water). And all Bishnoi body drinks that for getting the purity inside the soul. This is a very interesting, religious and beautiful events in the village.
If you are visiting this village you can see that how the farmer lives and how they survive. After visit to this village you can know that how they works for gain the food for world. A real activities for all the works of agriculture. But we have to appreciate that village is doing progress day and night. Village is rural but living style very nice and also believe in cleanness. People are educated and they know how to survive the life in a well manor. This is a nice place if you want to go in nature of agriculture.
A high school is there and also a different school for girls. A mini govt. hospital also there. Some other mini hospitals are also there. Nadhori is well-connected by road. Haryana roadways is available at time to time and also can hire private cab.
Dressing Restrictions: - None such restrictions but should be as on Riwaj(Trade) and avoid too short that showing body part.
Comunication :- All GSM and CDMA are available. Reliance. Idea, Airtel, Vodafone and Tata Indicome are the main survive provider. You can recharge the SIM in local shop in the village.
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